Friday, March 9, 2012


This is Ms. Mason, hoping that some public finger pointing will resolve these staging problems that have gone unresolved after multiple corrections. Yes, these are crappy iphone photos, but you can see enough.  These are all from the second run-through.

 Maurice arrives at the Castle: Sterling!  What the heck are you and Rebecca doing on stage right?  You guys were having your scenes partially in the wings.  Look at all that space behind Broderick you could have used.  And then why did you turn your back to the audience??  Was Lumiere saying lines?  Was Sterling whispering notes to another actor or techie offstage?  I have no idea.  Fix this!!!

Announcing his plan to marry Belle:  Silly Girls, you keep standing in a short, straight line during this scene.  Please form a longer diagonal.  I'm standing in the inner aisle of the left auditorium.  What a fun view, right?  NO!!!!  This shows that almost a full THIRD of the audience can't see you.  Is that speaker on the floor in the way?  Then Cody: don't pull the group so far across the stage.

Trading Belle for Maurice:  Katie, you were better at cheating to the audience for this scene on our second run through, but I wanted to show you that if you back up to the end of that wall (so you are standing directly below the rose), you can look at Beast and Maurice without faking it so much.  Might be more comfortable for you and give us an even better view. 

Finding Belle a dress:  Sarah, you actually turned more to the audience right when I snapped this.  But you spent most of this scene turned in profile towards Belle.  Look, I was sitting dead center in the middle of the theater, and all I see is hair even when you turned more towards me.  Work with Paul or another of our senior veterans if you are not understanding this concept.

Mob scene: Aside from the villagers not being there, JJ and Horgan: look how you are invisible.  This is the part where I said in notes not to stand in a straight line.  I see Zach, and a tiny bit of JJ.  You should instead be on a diagonal, so Zach is the farthest stage right, then the middle one to Zach's left, and the last one farther left still, just a few feet from Belle.

That's all I was quick enough to capture.  Please be aware of your spacing!  Be sure you can be seen, for your own sake.  It also makes vocal projection better if it is aimed at the audience and not the wings.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Mason and h20 house i will take these comments into account!!!!


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