Tuesday, January 29, 2013

PoP! Goes My Heart!

...and a bonus one from Waterhouse that makes fun of the George Michael hips (and Wham! and other 80s stuff in general)

More dance video inspiration

Late sample for the Girls

And the George Michael hips for the Boys

Monday, January 28, 2013


It's your turn to dance, boys.

Here's a preview of some moves you will learn tomorrow (provided my bronchitis is improved enough that I can come).

Yes, I want chest bumps.  

And lest you think some of these moves are silly, at least I'm not making you dance out your anger at the world in an expressive torrent of kicks and spins!

PS: It pains me that I have to specify "1984" in my Youtube searches.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Centerfold Run-Through #2

Centerfold Run-Through #1

Here's the first run I taped. The videos are taking a while to upload, so you'll have to wait to see the others.... :)

- Waterhouse

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Material Girl Video

Posted mostly for Katie and Rebecca right now, but watch out boys - you're going to be the sexy men in tuxes!

 (Just the dancing stuff - you can ignore the whole creepy beard-guy story)