Saturday, March 1, 2014

Notes from Saturday's Second Run

Below are the notes as promised.  Please comment here or on Facebook acknowledging your specific details.  If anything is confusion or if you have questions, I'll be happy to address them on Monday.  Any dance/Ms. Mason questions can also be sent to her via this blog or through me.

Get some sleep, you awesome and good-looking people!  We'll see you Monday!

          Rebecca - Much better mic position!  Thanks!
                      - Watch your volume as music builds towards end      
          All        - This is amazing!  You look great! 
                      - Yay feet schlapping and faces up (except Ryan)                              
          Sarah T. – great singing                                 
          Fish Dancers – Make sure the fish are dangling by the tails in your hands like this:
– the timing of the slaps was off, and it was emphasized by the addition of the slap sound effect.  Listen to the music for where it goes.
            Ryan – great expression while on box waving arms    
          All        - Nice groaning and de-hat-ing at the “England!”       
Not Dead
          Monk #3           Board too low             
          Monks              Better that this morning, still need to run it together   
          Bodies Quicker entrance
                      Much better poses!  Love the leg, Chris          
Ezra & Zach     Louder on dialogue, tighter                            
          Sage    Throw Jackie's tunic on under your shirt                     
          Ezra     Over the top reaction to dead coming to life  
          Chorus Fix heads behind crenellation
          Kylen   Hair looks better!                     
          Horgan Watch out for the awkward sword protrusion from under your cape.  Perhaps leave the
sword to the side?  Hook cape behind it?                                           
All        “Bra” is thrown away – REMEMBER THE DISCUSSED CHANGE TO THE BLOCKING WE MADE TO FIX THIS!                                                        
Lady of Lake
All        Stand in non-curtained places (if possible) to sing “Excaliber”
          Jonah  Pray upwards                          
          Lakers  Black legs are good!  Nice silliness!                
          Christina          Use your arms as you enter – again, perhaps copying Glinda?
          Jacob  Drop shovel before “blimey” to catch attention
          Lakers  Better, but you can go even bigger with tiredness.  Alena, nice face
          Jonah  Pull out whistle during “…welcome your son into my army!”                                       
          Patsy    Nice touchdown dance                                  
          Boys     Don't look bored while clapping         
          All        Cheer went much better, but watch timing – listen to the drum beat                          
          Lakers/Cheyenne         Work on letter bit (perhaps with me Monday?)

Song Goes    
Christina          Use arms as you move            
          Jacob  Good “E” singing                     
          All        Good boredom, now exaggerate and deliberate                                
          Lakers  Change up backup singer movements?           I can give you a few other moves.      
          Horgan Shake the chandelier at the end high note, maybe do a sleepy drop and catch?
All for One
          K6        Great poses and expressions 2nd time we ran it
          Rebecca          You can watch K6 enter as you speak if you want      
          Ez & Za                        Great blocking shift for solo line         
          K6                   Don't fidget during Art's mono (be your ultimate knightly selves)
K6        Shields?  Passing them to the women folk?                
Rebecca – Can you come up with a simple move (perhaps a quick ball change) to fill the musical/movement gaps in Arthur’s dance solo?  Something for you and the other 3 to do to fill it.  We can talk if you like.                      
Chism  Much better shove through the guys, check end note pitch
          All        Partnering looks better            
                      Better whooos                         
          Christina          Maybe cross to Sage and stroke his chin during the first part of your solo?      Chism  Awesome faces            in the pas de deux
          Ang      Awesome pas de deux.  You’re so pretty!        
          TECHIES         Christina's mic issues?            
          Christina          Maybe watch some live Mariah Carey performances for arm work      
          Chorus             Great reactions to Christina                
          CAM Shields    Much better!  Make sure shields are against your body to hide the backs
          All                    enunciate “gory” and find your volume.          
          CAM Shields                Make sure you match the arm movement below you  
All        Mics are always live off stage!
Steven Nice enunciation as God.  Hold for laugh after “Jesus!” and hold for holy music as indicated in script.                                                         
          All        Spam box under bridge (watch for such things and fix them!)
          Chism  Be resolved by their song (since there’s a lot of weeping)                   
          K6        Diagonal during solos – spread to lines          
          K6        Hold off on sobbing until the song moves you.  Maybe after the 1st verse?
          K6        Center hand clasp?  (We’ll talk)                      
          Ryan    Good signs
Chorus except Ryan – Step it up on the sign animation
          TECHIES         LIGHTS FOR GRAIL (Cati – let’s discuss)        
          Shaely Louder on seasons (especially “Water!) – Face the audience if that helps
          Frenchies         Watch sight lines in balcony               
          Cheyenne        “Allo”    (French don’t pronounce “H” at front of words)
          K6                    Um... check the script for lines.  That was a mess.      
          Frenchies         Make rude gestures before Ez predicts the future
          Kasey               “C'est un lapin (PAUSE) Un grand lapin de bois”
          Chris                Louder on “It is Art?”               
          French People Better pauses – let's tighten the gap on the Can-cans
          Cheyenne        No belt - I think the tunics are too short for them  J                
          Cheyenne and Kasey   The black bottoms look good!
          French People Take easier exit with rabbit to clear sooner     
          Jonah              Quicker on “What?” with Bed.’s “Leap out of rabbit”
          Frenchies         Disappear after “Fetchez la vache!”                
                                  Song is weak (Do you need mics?)                 
          All                    Slower on chasing scenes (that's why it’s off)  
          Frenchies         Better taunting from bridge, I like it                
          Cow Boys         Straight up in air for toss                     
Act II                                                 

          The holders were totally visible
          Chantel            Hair needs to be tucked away from helmet     
Bight Side     
Katie    Better, but even happier at start of song.  Use your arms more
          All        Could only hear Rebecca for first 5 words of song
          Band    speed up this song                  
          Dancers           Head to cane on floor during airplane around
                                  Really stomp feet on the dance off (Can you add something hard to make a noise?)
          All        “Always look on the bright side” not “at”                       
          Sage, Alex, Horgan, Stephen – Dangle/kick your legs like kids on bridge
          Horgan and Michael    You're still just giving me chin height on your arms – better Steven
          Patsy/Art          Add handshake            (Waterhouse can explain)      
          Ez        Good gradual facial change              
          Cheyenne        Leggings for minstrel too (just like French)                  
          Ryan    Cheat out more when you’re not masking something              
          Art        Just walk out (no horse)                       
          Jacob  Don't show your skirt under Ni outfit     
          Chantel            All the way to.. BAILEY! (That’s the 1st time we’re hearing the reference)
          Braden and Sara         Bigger and more noise as side-knights

          Sage    Enunciate “Sharon!”  You can stop walking for that moment.             
          Pat & Art          Cross upstage R instead of DL for opening of song?  (We can discuss)
          Sara T.            Mic on?  And can you wear some awful lipstick as Susan B.?            
          Chris    Michael Flatly Pose (I’ll show you via Ms. Mason)                  
          Ryan    Cross your arms as Simon, shirt should be tight (I can fix)       
          Robert  Don't hide face as monk this time       
          Jonah  Miley Cyrus instead of Anothny Weiner?         
Concorde/Diva Scenes         
Lance              Yeah, you do need other shoes or fake boot covers (see me for fabric if you choose that option)
          Jessica             Clap shells for landing after the big jump       
                                  Maybe bigger arrow?  It was hard to see on stage.                  
          TECHIES         Check Lance's mic.  Lots of in/out static         
          Jessica             Maybe Bobby pin hood to keep in place?      
          Christina          Change from Posh lyrics Bway version
                                  Practice “Not Yours!” moment
          TECHIES         Lights for “Not yours!” moment                                                                                    
Chris    Mic?                           
          All        Fix curtain gap if need to                   
          Robert Straps hanging out of sleeves 
          Chris/Robert     Run/Fix “Aaah” part                 
          Guards Need matching helmet style               
          Lance  Keep your belt –a guard can take it off during song prologue (“move aside your scabbard”)
          Robert  See Lance (an armed man!) in your son’s room!  Be startled!             
          Chris    I like the bare feet                   
          Chris    Toss rope out of the window                           
          Chris    Better fall! watch curtain.                   
          Robert  Maybe some pants?
          Robert  React to your own guards holding you (offended)       
          Lance  Can play off shortness of tunic when it’s exposed if you like.   
          Horgan Leg cross in front balance  (Ms. Mason can clarify)                
          Middle row – Steven, Jacob, Chism    Come further DS                     
          Chris    Entrance pose?
          TECHIES         Spot the night life spots           (We can talk about this scene’s lights)
          Boys     Count out disco dance                       
          Girls     Yay on the La volumes!          
          Chris/Za           Higher snaps                           
          TECHIES         run J's quick change with me if you need tips on doing it       
All Alone
          Jonah  “This is a total disaster” - make a joke out of the repetition
          Jonah/Katie     Nice “heavy load” gag with sword/pack           
                      Nice “But I'm alone” simplicity            
                      Both of you need to be louder (orch quieter?)
          Chorus             Can use the dressing room entrance   
                                  Um... where's everyone else?  
          TECHIES         Low lights for this song w/ spot on Art and Pat
                                  Close Blues                           
          Christina          Nice eyelashes, btw    
          Patsy    Cheat out        
          K6        We need to see smiling teeth from all of you! 
                      (Ez  you started to smile better towards end)   
          Jacob  Turns and formation (per Ms. Mason)              
TECHIES         Don’t open blacks until after thunder and such           
          TECHIES         Spike hill placement                                                                                      
          Tim      Good timing of name             
          Ensemble        Great reaction to Tim             
          Tim      Don't laugh at reaction                       
          Leads   Run lines for this scene                       
          Bors     Watch your blood spilling out your back
                      You can slow down your death to get the rabbit toss right                                                      
          Steven Did you forget how to skip?
          Chorus Thanks for moving on the hill!            
          All        How do you sound so good on “Get your hand” and so quiet on “Life”?
          All        React to Kasey running away 
          Kasey   Keep Rabbit on hand
          Arthur   Add “Idea!” sound pre-kneeing to pray for help with cue         

Pat, Art, and Bors – Have a pow-wow at every intermission to discuss/decide which front row person will be the grail winner.
          TECHIES – We need to rig stairs for the audience member
Patsy – Yay! Ms. Mason asked me afterwards where the grail came from!  She had no idea you pulled it from your sleeve!

          TECHIES         Glow tape on stairs and other needed places                                                 
          Ez        Better job on confidence w/orch!                   
Jonah & Katie  Claim a water oasis for yourselves on both sides backstage and hydrate any time you’re off!
          Christina          Wedding bouquet?                 
          Yay Zach, McKenna, and Laely, Jackie for hands at end
          Chris    Give a “My hero” facial expression reaction to Zack hitting Robert                 
          TECHIES         The hearts come on a little earlier.  Very cute!

You all rock!  I hope you got some compliments today.  I didn’t get many requests for compliments today,  so I hope you ask me for one on Monday!  I have a lot to give.  J


  1. I, Cheyenne, promise to hold the fish by the tail in Finland, work on the slaps timing for Finland, work on the letter bit for Laker Girls cheer, enunciate gory in Knights of the Round Table, pronounce "allo" without on h, make rude gestures before Ezra predicts the future, not wear a belt for the French scene, disappear after "fetchez la vache," work on Run Away lyrics, slow the chase scene, wear leggings for the minstrel, fix curtain gaps during Lancelot scene, and react to Kasey fleeing after the hill falls. - Cheyenne

  2. I, Katie Olson, shall get water backstage, have pow-wows during intermission, run lines for the messed up scenes, be even happier during bright side and coconanigans, louder during all alone, talk to you about a handshake and hand clasp, and moving UR during show biz, cheat out, work on emotions for find your grail, form a better diagnol, and much more. Thank you!!

  3. Rebecca has read the blog and will do the following:
    Watch her volume as the historian
    Locate some black tights to wear as a Laker Girl and amp up the tiredness
    Possibly watch K6 while introducing them
    Figure out some snazzy moves for the tap sequence
    Always watch for things out of place on the stage

  4. Braden- Got it. I will make changes as applies to me.

  5. I, Cheyenne, promise to hold the fish by the tail for Finland, work on the timing for the slaps in Finland, work on the letter bit for the Laker Girls song, enunciate gory during Knights of the Round Table, pronounce "allo" without an h, make rude gestures before Ezra predicts the future, not wear a belt for the French scene, disappear after "fetchez la vache, work on the Run Away lyrics, slow down the chase scene, wear leggings for the minstrel, fix curtain gaps during Lancelot, and react to Kasey fleeing from the hill. - Cheyenne

  6. I, Cheyenne, promise to hold the fish by the tails during Finland, work on the timing for the slaps during Finland, work on the letter bit for Laker Girls cheer, enunciate gory in Knights of the Round Table, pronounce "allo" without an h, make rude gestures before Ezra predicts the future, not wear a belt for the French scene, disappear after "fetchez la vache," work on the lyrics for Run Away, slow the chase scene, wear leggings for the minstrel, fix curtains gaps during Lancelot, and react to Kasey fleeing from the hill. - Cheyenne

  7. I, Kylen Marie Curry, swear to enter more quickly in "not dead yet", wait to follow ezra off stage to say bra more clearly, watch timing more carefully on my Laker girls dance, exaggerate my exhaustion in "song that goes", enunciate gory, watch for props in the wrong places, slow down chase scene, be louder for always look AT the bright side, react to kacey running off of stage, and make all othe necessary changes to my performance.

  8. Lance-promises to be louder on stage, find material for boot cover, and to play off an extremely awkward short, gay shirt.


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