Thursday, December 20, 2012

We Are The World - USA for Africa | Lyrics Full HD

This is a great video!!!!  This is what the "Man In the Mirror" concert is all about.  All of these stars (watch for the names if you don't recognize them) recorded this song in a fundraising/awareness effort.  Be sure to read the list of performers at the end, a lot of them don't have solos.  Enjoy!

Michael Jackson - Man In The Mirror (Official Video)

Not the original video, but it combines clips from the original.  It also shows the magnitude of his popularity.  It is very hard to get beyond MJ's troubled personal life in his later years.  Try to see him for the incredible performer and person he started out to be.

Monday, December 17, 2012

"Time of Your Life" Dance Videos

Seaweed Lessons:

The Water Turn:

The Salsa:

Two Runs with Movie Soundtrack:

Run with Accomp. Track:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Dance Inspiration

Hey kids!  I just worked out all of "Time of Your Life."  It's mostly what we learned in the audition, with some tweaks (and a little less salsa: you're welcome).

Rebecca and Nick, I want to have the teachers smoldering with sensuality for their verse.  It's not a lot, only a few lines.  The dancing will be simple so you can sing.  But as far your attitude, think this:

But through your characters, it comes out a little more Mr. Aoki style:

So let me see your silliest ballroom moves!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

80's pop culture web site

Check out this site composed of all things 80's.