Friday, November 30, 2012

Kim Wilde - Kids In America

2nd full chorus song.  Check it!

Dirty Dancing - Time of my Life

Here is the movie sequence for "Time of My Life."  Get familiar with the music - this will be our first chorus number to learn.

1980's Education and other radical show info

Ms. Waterhouse, Mrs. Mason, and Mr. Walters will be periodically posting information, links, and videos to help further your understanding of a totally awesome decade! Be sure to check weekly, if not daily.

Like, omigod, catch ya later!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

The Cast List

Thanks to everyone who auditioned!

Rehearsals for next week:
Monday (2:30-4:00) - Full Cast
Tuesday (2:30-4:00) - Full Cast
Friday (2:30-4:00) - Full Cast

Back to the 80’s
Cast List

Corey Jr.
Ezra Bram
Corey Sr.
Zachary Willbanks
Cheyenne Nieland
Christina Peterson
Miss Brannigan
Rebecca Krafcheck
Mr. Cocker
Nick Prager
Jonah Maggard
Broderick Hartmann
Katie Olson
Billy/Featured Male Singer
Kevin Baker
Jacob Billings
Robert Anderson
Chris White
Chism Mattson
Kasey Melsness
Kate Hendrick
Kailey Davis
Jessica Boyd
Sage Sherman
 Backup Singer/ Girl1
Samara Coville
 Backup Singer/ Girl2
Victoria Bixler
 Backup Singer/ Girl3
Joleigh Burgett
Featured Female Singer
Makenzie Matthews
Male Student (p. 16)
Ben Sumners
Female Student (p. 16)
Rochelle Warren
Girl (p. 61)
Angelina Ferradino

Anthony Berardi

Becky Powell

Elizabeth Peirce

Emily Wallbank

Kayla Dunham

Kyle Battenhouse

Michael Anderson

Ryan Box

Shaley Folger

Steven Box

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Call Back List

A little perk for those of you who are checking this page...

Here's the call back list:

Thanks for auditioning!
Below is the list of people we would like to see again.
Please check back here tomorrow for the final cast list.

Back to the 80’s
Call Back List

Angelina Ferradino
Cheyenne Nieland
Christina Peterson
Jessica Boyd
Kailey Davis
Kasey Melsness
Kate Hendrick
Katie Olson
Kayla Dunham
Makenzie Matthews
Rebecca Krafcheck
Rochelle Warren
Samara Coville
Victoria Bixler

Ben Sumners
Broderick Hartmann
Chism Mattson
Chris White
Ezra Bram
Jacob Billings
Jonah Maggard
Kevin Baker
Kyle Battenhouse
Michael Anderson
Nick Prager
Robert Anderson
Sage Sherman
Steven Box
Zach Willbanks

If you are on this list, please be in the auditorium immediately after school today (Thursday).

A part of the callback will involve singing a part of 
"Walking on Sunshine" (if you're a girl) 
and "Footloose" (if you're a boy).
You are welcome to practice that song tonight as preparation! 

Monday, November 26, 2012

The Audition Dance

We've had a few requests for a video of the audition dance to be posted here.  I'm afraid we won't be posting one prior to the auditions, but I'm glad you checked here as a resource!

Break legs!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Musical 2013!

It's official!  Our musical this year is...

Auditions are Monday, Nov. 26 - Thursday, Nov. 29th.
See you then!